Introduction To Computer Vision
- What is computer vision and what is it not
- Several application examples
- Some of the challenges of computer vision
- Engineering challenges
- AI-ish challenges
- camera imaging basics
- image representations
- image formats
- color spaces
- Light Transport
- convolution
- smoothing
- derivatives
- texture
- edge detection
- nonlinear filters
- median filtering
- morphology
- top-hat/bottom-hat
Features and Feature Matching
- Edge detection
- Types of edges
- Scale space
- Canny edge detection
- Texture features
- Template matching
- Corner detectors
- Sift features
- An example: object detection
- Local classification (ad-hoc hacks ..)
- “Local” (could be energy-based) optimization methods
- Global (should be energy-based) methods
- computational stereo
- generalizations to more cameras
- space carving ideas
- plane sweep
- energy-based
- Projects
- mosaicking
- 3D reconstruction
- Background generation/subtraction
- optical flow vs. motion field
- image constancy equation
- optical flow algorithms
- template tracking
- tomasi-kanade and extensions
- Other tracking methods
- Projects
Other Topics
- generative
- discriminative
- Applications (2 lectures)
- Object recognition
- medicine
- Linear Algebra
- SVD and linear system solution
- Probability and Statistics
- Spatial Transformations
- Optimization
- Experimental Design